"A few years ago, I started learning Python but paused because I thought, with AI advancing rapidly, it might not make much sense for me to dive deep into coding. Yet, something about programming keeps calling me back. I can't seem to let go of the idea of learning to code, especially now in my 50s. So, here I am, rebooting my Python journey once again. This time, it's not just about the practicality; it's about fulfilling that curiosity, that nagging thought that I won't be satisfied until I truly learn it. Let's see where this journey takes me—because I believe it's never too late to start again, and perhaps this time, I’ll find new reasons to stay the course."
While I'm getting more ideas on how to present my coding struggles, this site is under construction.
If you are middle-aged and looking to learn how to code for a career change, fun or just to train your brain, you found the right place.
I hope to sort things out sooner rather than later, and there we can follow the path together.